Map Spotlight - Rusty Blackbird

By Jared Feura 17 Apr 2024
Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus

Rusty Blackbirds prefer to breed in wet areas such as the spruce-sphagnum bogs, swamps, and fens in the Adirondacks. Like most blackbirds, Rusty Blackbirds make a raucous call and song to keep on the listen for while Atlasing in wet areas, especially in the Adirondacks.

Where to look for Rusty Blackbird in the final year of the Atlas

Below is a map highlighting atlas priority blocks missing Probable or Confirmed codes for Rusty Blackbird, but where the NY Natural Heritage Program has records of Rusty Blackbird breeding in the past. Keep an eye out in these blocks for Rusty Blackbird breeding behaviors! (Tip: Click on the icon in the upper right of the map to make the map full size and zoom in to your area.)

Behaviors To Look For

Rusty Blackbird males and females are both known to Sing (S) during the breeding season. Females have been recorded singing from their nest in response to singing males, so keep and eye out for a female On a Nest (ON) if you hear two Rusty Blackbirds singing together as they could be a Pair in Appropriate Habitat (P).

Male Rusty Blackbirds perform a Courtship Display (C) to a watching female by spreading (fanning) their tail, opening their mouth wide, and giving a series of squeaking calls. Males will also bring females food, but rarely to a nest. The females meet the male at a perch nearby their nest and will be passed food by the male while fluttering their wings similar to a fledgling begging. She then takes the food from the male and may fly to a different spot before eating.

Their nests can be built in living or dead trees and shrubs, but are almost always close to water. They will often use spruce, fir, tamarack, willow, birch, and alder trees for their nesting site, but they will also use other species of trees and shrubs. Rusty Blackbird nests can be anywhere from 0.5 to 6 meters off the ground with some rare instances of nests being placed on the ground under dense shrubs.

Watch for females Carrying Nesting Material (CN) while they take the 3-4 days to build their nest before laying eggs. While the female builds the nest the male will follow her closely. Rusty Blackbird nests are bulky and somewhat messy on the exterior being constructed with twigs, grasses, and lichen. They line their nest with fresh green grass and plant fibers.


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