
Sharing your sightings on eBird

Share sightings on eBird via web or eBird Mobile. Pick your location, say how you went birding and what you saw, and you're a part of the world's biggest birding community.

Map any bird. Your sightings become part of the shared global effort to map bird ranges. Open the eBird species map, enter a species name, zoom in, and click on a point to find your sighting.

eBird profile pages make the birding world a smaller place. Follow along with sightings from friends, and meet new birders. Join the world’s largest birding community.

Share your photos and sounds. Every image and sound that you add to an eBird checklist makes you a part of the Macaulay Library: the world’s premier scientific archive of natural history audio, video, and photographs. Explore shots from your friends and discover birds you never knew existed. Lose yourself in the birds.

Your sightings become science. Science informs conservation. Your sightings help more than just other birders, contributing to science that protects the birds we all care about. Every sighting matters. Learn about eBird Science.